The Calorimeter Temperature Sensor

The improvement of the C-3500 fire force calorimeter was fundamentally for the estimation of ignition chamber heat motions in power producing offices. The calorimeter temperature sensor permits the immediate and momentary power assessment of ignition chamber gasses for best stoichiometric fuel/air blend. Furthermore, the calorimeter is generally utilized in checking heat source powers at various breaking tower stations along the total petroleum treatment facility process, which guarantees process repeatability. One more optical pyrometer significant application is applied to the fire testing of materials and parts under Federal Aviation Regulations. Different applications incorporate power age, hotbox fire control, fly fumes yield, petroleum gas energy content, reactor yield, heater force and a few ASTM fire test assessments.

The fire force temperature sensor is a 1.00 – 2.00 inch distance across, pole that is put in direct contact with the warmed gasses. The sign produced is straightforwardly relative to the neighborhood heat motion; an outspread navigate of the source yields a proportion of the complete power yield. The sensor yields D.C. millivolt flags that can be estimated with ordinary millivolt meters or recorders.

How the Calorimeter Works

The C-3500-3600 Flame Calorimeter is to be embedded through a port straightforwardly into the burning gas stream. The HT-50 High Temperature Heat Flux Transducer has been welded and heat sunk to an area 50mm from the tip of the C-3500 Probe(C-3600 has sensor at tip of test). The area of this sensor is on a similar side as the water release port and has been briefly set apart for your benefit. This area ought to be noted and arranged with the goal that the burning gasses encroach straightforwardly upon it. The best identified transitions will happen when the sensor area is at 900 or at a stagnation highlight the fire front.

The calorimeter incorporates an inward water taking care of cylinder inside the empty tube shaped test. Cool water enters through the internal cylinder and streams out through the annular hole between the inward cylinder and inward mass of the external test tube. A control framework fluctuates the pace of stream of water to keep up with within temperature of the test divider at a steady worth. Water coolant ought to be provided to the tests back channel at a stream pace of 10 – 20 Liters/Minute. Bubbling of the cooling water should never be permitted, for exceptionally high warm transition rates, the water/coolant stream rate should be expanded until the leave water temp is lukewarm. The normal hotness motion is determined by duplicating the C-3500-3600 Calibration Constant by the deliberate DC miniature voltage.

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Cape Town, South Africa